Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

The Ducks Pair in Autumn ~A Nature Observation, Nature Photography and Video HD1080

Every day we can learn a lot from nature and our precious animals.
This picture is a multiexposure of 2 photos:

"Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling
like the dickens underneath." 
(Michael Caine)

Enjoy my video observation as much as i loved watching this lovely couple! 

You might also enjoy these other waterfowl observations of mine:

Photographies and Video work © by Gina Matt

My personal website:


Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Stones In Life - A picture Story with Life Thoughts

to the river
I meet
Living stones.

Among people
I see most of them
Having turned into
Lifeless fossiles.

by Gina Matt

My Video is a photographic picture poetry with thoughts about Life, 
pictures taken at the River  (West-Austria,Vorarlberg) - [HD1080]

Photographies and Video work © by Gina Matt

My personal website:


Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015

Close Ups with the Red Admiral Butterfly [HD1080 quality]

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life
is the foundation for all abundance.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth:
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta Nymphalidae (Brush-footed Butterflies) 

The Red Admiral has a very erratic, rapid flight,  flight time from July to October. 
The Admiral lives in the mild areas of Central Europe, throughout the year. Due to the climate change it hibernates  increasingly also in northeast. In mild winter also young larvae or pupae can survive.  The Admiral is often observed on fallen fruit in the fall while vacuuming.
The caterpillars live on the nettle.
Red Admirals prefer sap flows on trees, fermenting fruit, and bird droppings; visiting flowers only when these are not available. Then they will nectar at common milkweed, red clover, aster, and alfalfa, among others.

In northern Europe, it is one of the last butterflies to be seen before winter sets in.

In my Video you can see this beautiful butterfly suckling the last nectar on flowering butterfly bush and having a rest on the ground:

Photographies and Video work © by Gina Matt

My personal website:

You might as well enjoy this Butterfly article and video of mine:


Spring is on the way

Sky Photography ~ An Emotional Journey

"Afflictive emotions — our jealousy, anger, hatred, fear — can be put to an end.  When you realize that these emotions are only tempor...